- We Admitted we were powerless over our addiction to Power and Control known as Domestic Violence, that this disease has influenced our entire life and we
realized that our lives had become unmanageable due to our addiction.
- We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could
restore us to our own inner sanity, the sanity we would have had if we
had not been addicted Power and Control known as Domestic Violence .
- We turned our will and lives over to the care of God as we understand God, our non-violent,
safe, nurturing careprovider.
- We made a fearless and moral inventory of ourselves, both positive and negative, and our Power and Control Addiction known as Domestic Violence, and all of the family secrets this created.
- We admitted to God as we understand God, to ourselves and another human being the exact
nature of our addiction to Power and Control known as Domestic Violence.
- We became ready to have God as we understand God, remove all of these scars, behavioral and thought patterns this addiction to Power and Control known as Domestic Violence has caused in our lives.
- Humbly asked God as we understand God, to remove our Power and Control known as Domestic Violence addicted traits, behavioral and thought patterns.
- We made a list of persons whom we had harmed: ourselves, our partners and children through the Addiction to Power and Control known as Domestic Violence in our lives.
- We made amends to ourselves, our parents, and others, and openly discuss the changing patterns our addiction to Power and Control known as Domestic Violence had created, wherever possible.
- We continued to take daily personal inventory in order to see how we act and react to the illusion of Power and Control known as Domestic Violence and the healing process, to see our growth and improvement.
- We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand God our Real Caregiver, asking only for knowledge of God's will and God's power to carry it out.
- Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we carry the message to other Survivors of the Addiction to Power and Control known as Domestic Violence; and practice these principles in all our affairs.
Here are the steps we took which are suggested as a program of recovery, are adapted from AA and related recovery associations.
Copyright protected November 4, 1999